Posts tagged #logic

Religion Prequel Pt. 3 — Logical Fallacies

Welcome back to yet another religion prequel. Stay with me now. This is the fun stuff.

When having an argument, you would assume the premises that are offered would be true, and therefore no effort would be made to support them. But just because the premises are assumed to be true doesn’t mean that they are. If you think the premises may be false, you can challenge them and ask your opponent to support them.

Posted on April 20, 2015 and filed under philosophy.

Religion and Logic

In my desire to ramble on about whatever strikes my fancy, I’d like to dedicate a blog entry every so often to one of my favorite subjects: religion. What fascinates me about religion? Aside from the fact that the earliest evidence we have of the psychology of humans is a religious one (intentional burial of the dead with items accompanying the body), the subject of religion encompasses so much that makes us human. Psychology, sociology, anthropology, history, art.

Posted on February 22, 2015 and filed under philosophy, religion.