Religion and Logic

In my desire to ramble on about whatever strikes my fancy, I’d like to dedicate a blog entry every so often to one of my favorite subjects: religion. What fascinates me about religion? Aside from the fact that the earliest evidence we have of the psychology of humans is a religious one (intentional burial of the dead with items accompanying the body), the subject of religion encompasses so much that makes us human. Psychology, sociology, anthropology, history, art.

Posted on February 22, 2015 and filed under philosophy, religion.

Stan Lee

So what makes those of us who admire Stan Lee admire Stan Lee? The unflattering stories are many; He was a con man who took the credit for other people’s work. He never missed an opportunity for self-promotion. He never actually wrote a single thing in his life.

Posted on July 13, 2014 and filed under comic books.

What Would Your Super Power Be?

Chances are, if you’re a male over the age of, say, three, you’ve carried on the intellectual and philosophical conversation about what super power you would want to have.  This is one of those “ready for life” questions every young man must answer, just in case. The list is endless. Telepathy, invisibility, invulnerability, time manipulation, mind control, the ability to walk through walls. Enhanced physical skills (like super strength and quicker reflexes), the ability to manipulate your environment (gravity or the weather).

Posted on June 8, 2014 and filed under comic books.

All in a Name

I never really liked or disliked my name. It was just my name. Something that people knew me by. There was a time when I wanted to have a nick-name; more out of “something different” rather than out of frustration. I could never decide on a cool enough nick-name though. My sister Theda, in a grade-school fascination for “Dark Shadows,” once tried to insist that we all call her Angelique, but that wasn’t very successful. Now she denies that ever happened. From junior high school on people have called me all sorts of names, with absolutely no prodding from me.

Posted on May 3, 2014 .